This article covers the Study Versioning tab in the Study Configuration Settings
Versioning makes compliant and controlled changes to studies without needing to pause a study. Study subjects can run on multiple versions in parallel. For example, subjects who have already withdrawn from a study would not need to have study design changes applied to their data, so they could remain on a prior version while the active subjects migrate to a newer version.
When a new study has versioning enabled, a Version tab will appear on the study configuration page.

New studies will automatically have one version in place with In Development status.

Note: The system limits studies to having one Development version at a time. As each version is published, the form shown above can be used to add a new development version.
From this page, the following actions can be taken:
- Publish study versions - This locks the forms and visit-schedules unless another version is added to make changes
- Create/edit study versions
- View the difference, or changes made, between versions
- Un-publish study versions
- Delete study versions
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