Table of Contents
- Overview
- Form Level Conditional Actions
- Defining a Form Level Conditional Action
- Hiding Visit Intervals in the Scheduled Visit/Events Forms Table
Tool Name: Hide Forms and Intervals
Tool Use:
There are various reasons to dynamically change how visit forms and intervals are displayed in the Scheduled Visit/Event Forms table. One such reason may be differing randomization arms calling for differing treatment schedules. Protocols may define conditions where a form is not required based on a field's value in a previous form.
Regardless of the reason, Datatrak Direct allows you to hide forms and intervals in the Scheduled Visits/Events Forms Table by creating form level conditional actions. The remainder of this article explains how this can be done. However, if hiding only needs to be done for specific users, form/field blinding would be used within the study configuration settings' role security area.
Form Level Conditional Actions
Currently, there is only one supported Form Level Conditional Action. That is the hide event. When you create a conditional action at the form level, you must select hide. Based on the defined condition, that form will either be shown or hidden when the Scheduled Visit/Event Forms Table is displayed.
In addition, when an interval has no visible forms, the entire interval will be hidden by the system. Let’s take a closer look.
Defining a Form Level Conditional Action
To define a form level conditional action, load the form into the Form Builder.
While no fields or labels are selected, Click the Conditional Actions link.

This will display the Conditional Actions builder in the form palette.
The below conditional action hides the current form (for this example, the Follow-Up form was used) for the 3-Month visit interval if the subject is a female.

1) To determine the current interval, select it from the Constants section of the conditional action expression or formula.
For each interval that needs to hide a form, create a Hide conditional action. If any of the hide conditional actions are true, that form in that interval will be hidden.
2) Remember to hit OK
3) Save Form
Once the form-based conditional action has been defined, you can test it by viewing the Scheduled Visits/Events table.
Remember: When using randomization constants in conditional actions, use the actual randomization allocation that is stored in the randomization file, not the decoded randomization. Therefore, all randomization criteria use the number followed by the randomization code.
Hiding Visit Intervals in the Scheduled Visit/Events Forms Table
Datatrak Direct automatically hides visit intervals based on the number of available forms within the given interval. If there are one or more forms available, then the interval is displayed. If all the forms in a given interval have been hidden due to a condition, then the system automatically hides the visit interval.
For more information on the available Field Types, please visit the Field Types Knowledge base article.
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