This article describes the functionality and behavior of forms, design tools, and form fields for both the mobile app and a web browser. It explains each of the form fields that can be used on a form and the properties associated with them.
Table of Contents
- On the Mobile App
- On a Web Browser
Form properties define the overall functionality and behavior of forms, design tools, and form fields. Properties can be edited by selecting the form and then selecting the form field in the Form Builder body/grid. Selecting the form field will open the associated Properties section in the Toolbox. To save any changes made to a form field, click Save Form located in the top right corner of the Form Builder. It is important to save often while building forms to be sure changes are not lost.
On the Mobile App
1. Form Information
2. Form Metrics
3. General Form Properties
4. Review Levels
5. Default Text
6. Configure Adjudication
7. Device targeted forms
8. Form Footer
9 PDF Output
10. Form Language
For details on any of the items in the app, tap the help assistant icon on the screen (question mark in the top left corner) and then tap on the item you want more info about.
On a Web Browser
The Form Builder application can be accessed from the Study drop-down menu. The Study Form Builder can be used to create site, study, and subject forms. |

When the Form Builder is accessed from the Study menu, the Form Builder page is displayed. The following are displayed in the toolbox, located on the left side of the Form Builder page:
1. Form Fields
2. Form/Page Properties
The properties applicable to a form will be discussed in the following section. The subsequent sections include an explanation of each of the individual form fields that can be placed on a form to capture data and the properties associated with each form field.
Form/Page Properties
The following figure shows the form/page properties that can be used for a form.
Form Name – This is the title of the form that will appear in the corresponding pages and related applications where the form is used. The Form Name is how the form is characterized in the database. It is best practice to add the same title to the top of the workspace as well. This way, the user of the form can clearly see which form is open as it is completed.
Form Type (Website Host Level) – The Form Type drop-down choices when the Form Builder application is used at the Website Host level are: User, Site, and Study. Forms designated as User forms populate the Current Users data table on the User Manager page. Forms designated as Site forms populate the Current Sites data table on the Site Manager page. Forms designated as Study forms populate the Current Studies data table on the Study Manager page. The User Manager, Site Manager, and Study Manager applications are all accessed from the Website Host menu.
Form Type (Study Level) – The Form Type drop-down choices when the Form Builder application is used at the Study level are: Subject, Site, and Study as shown in the figure below. These form types correspond to various Study level applications. Forms designated as Site Forms appear in the Site Document Manager application accessed from the Study menu. Forms designated as Subject Forms appear in the Subject Manager application accessed from the Subject menu. Forms designated as Study Forms appear in the Access Study Related Forms application accessed from the Subject menu.
Sequence – This is a number assigned to determine the order in which the forms will appear in both the Existing Forms data table and related applications. Site Forms created at the Study level populate the Site Document Manager, which is accessed from the Study menu.
Save Button Text – This property allows the Form Designer to determine the text that appears on the “Save” buttons for each form.
1. When rendered on the form, the button text will appear as shown. Notice the text “Final” was automatically added to the Save Button Text entered in the field.
Keep in mind that depending on how a study is configured, “Draft” or “Final” may be appended to the Save Button text entered. (“Draft” will be appended to Subject type forms if in the Study Configuration application, Allow Subject Case Report Forms to be Saved as Draft, checkbox has been checked on the Functionality tab.
That will allow any form to be saved multiple times in draft mode before a final submission is made (except enrollment form).
Note: Save will not appear on the Form Builder Body/Grid or in the form preview window.
ToolTip or "Hover Help" – This tool is used to enter text into a dialogue box that will appear when the mouse hovers over the field.
1. Highlight filled with marching ants highlighting the field.
2. Click on View/Edit on ToolTip
To set up the tooltip or "hover help", select the desired field and click the View/Edit control. Clicking the View/Edit control displays the ToolTip pop up window where the desired help or extra definition of the term for the field can be defined.
Currently, ToolTips are only available at the field level.
Omit Review Levels (Study Level) – Forms created at the Study level can be set up to require up to five review levels using the Study Configuration in the Study menu.
1. Selecting one or more of the checkboxes of these review levels will prevent the selected review level requirement for the form.
2. Conditional Actions – View/Edit
Clicking the View/Edit control opens the Conditional Actions window in the Form Builder body/grid.
The Conditional Actions window allows the Form Designer to create simple to complex validations or edit checks for the selected form. Please refer to the help pages for complete instructions about how to create Conditional Actions.
A “0” preceding the View/Edit control as shown in the previous figure, indicates there are no (zero) Conditional Actions for the form. For each Conditional Action that has been defined, the number that precedes the View/Edit control increments by one, as shown in the following figure where we now have 1 condition set for form.
Data Section
Data in the Form/Page Properties refers to Record Relations.
Record Relation
One – A relationship of “One” means the form is not related to any other form in the system and can be completed only once throughout the Study. An example is the Procedure form. Only one procedure form usually is made.
Many – A relationship of “Many” means the form can be completed multiple times throughout the Subject record. An example is an AE or Deviation Form. Many AE's can happen per subject.
Batch – A relationship of “Batch” means it can be filled out once as part of a group of forms. This group of forms (or batch) can be completed multiple times. For example, a batch form might be used if the research lab is conducting a study that involves receiving subjects in batches, rather than simply one at a time.
Note: This batch relationship is mainly used in animal studies where you receive a batch of mice, for example, and you need to load them into the system at once to track study progress.
- Enter the enrollment data
- Enter the Batch size
- Enroll new subjects to add subjects
One-to-One Location – This choice selected from the drop-down list (Registration or Subject Record) determines whether the form populates the Subject Manager Registration page (the page displayed when the Subject Manager application is first opened) or the Subject Visits and Events Manager page, which is accessed from the Subject Manager Registration page when a Subject ID link is clicked from the Subject Registration table.
Date Granularity – The Date Granularity selected from the drop-down list (Second, Minute, Hour, or Day) determines the extent to which the date on the form will be specified in the database. The date the form is filled out can be recorded down to the day, hour, minute, or second.
Visit/Transaction Date – The Visit/Transaction date field is required only for Subject type forms created in the Study Form Builder due to the longitudinal nature of clinical trial data collection. The Study Form Builder requires a date field to be selected from the dropdown list which relates it to the Scheduled Visit/Event Forms Interval table displayed on the Subject Visits and Events Manager page (accessed from the Subject link in the Subject Manager Subject Registration data table). The field drop-down choices are populated with the Date/Time fields that appear in the form. The Visit/Transaction Date field does not appear in the Data Section of the Form/page Properties when in the Website Host Form Builder application.
Want to populate and hide Visit/Transaction Date to users on the data entry screen?
- Select Compute Value on the date field on the form to hide
- Pick any field to fire calculation [Any field [blank]]
- Choose Constant from options in CA
- Select Current Date from the drop-down
- Hit OK - Don't forget to save the form!!
Now, go to Study drop-down and select the "Role Security" tab.
- Select Study drop-down menu
- Select the Role Security tab
- Select Role to edit
- Click on Blind Form Fields by Role
- Save Study Configuration
Fig 2
To Blind Fields by Role, click the following link: Blind Form Fields by Role.
- Select Form to Blind Fields on from the drop-down
- Check fields you want to blind on that form
- Save Field Blinding
Fig 3
Log Form – Selecting the “Log Form” checkbox designates that a form can be completed multiple times. Log Forms can be created using the Study Form Builder. Subject Forms designated as Log Forms populate the Log Forms section of the Subject Visits and Events Manager page (accessed from the Subject link in the Subject Manager Subject Registration data table on the Subject Manager page). Study Forms designated as Log Forms populate the Study Forms page (accessed from the Subject menu using Access Study Related Forms). The Log Form checkbox appears in Website Host Form Builder; however, the feature is not applicable to forms (User, Site, and Study) created in the Website Host, therefore, the feature is non-functioning.
Double Data Entry - Double Data Entry (DDE) has been designed for the web but is being phased out as paper studies become less common. Even though the application is called “Double” Data Entry, you can actually perform double, triple, quadruple, or quintuple data entry. The more times a form is entered, the less chance for data entry errors to occur. Double Data Entry is an industry-accepted term and we will use it here as well. This feature of research studies was primarily used in the past for pen-and-paper studies.
Although it is not commonly used anymore, the web browser has provided the option of using DDE.
Interval Date Entry – Select this checkbox to allow for multiple date entries when interval visits are required in the study. Interval Date Entry, or IDE, allows a Study Designer to enable Data Coordinators (or someone with a similar role) to enter visit dates at the Visit Interval rather than on the actual form. IDE is designated on the Functionality tab in the Study Configuration application.
Suppress Visit Outside Window – The Suppress Visit Outside Window checkbox can be selected to allow for visits outside the date window as specified in the Create Scheduled Visits application by the Study Designer. Many studies will have a scheduled subject visit table that defines specific visit intervals. Each of those intervals will have a window within which a visit must occur. If a subject visit falls outside the specified window, the system will deploy a Visit Outside Window query. Some studies will not require such queries to be produced. If that is the case for your study, then check this option.
Omit Error Msg – The Omit Error Msg checkbox can be selected to prevent an error message from displaying on the form, regardless of the reason the error message would have been fired.
Preserve Deleted – The Preserve Deleted option allows you to set hidden conditions per eCRF that will preserve the data from the fields that are hidden. This is a good option for scoring fields that are autogenerated for sections of data that need to be hidden from end-users. The score will preserve in the data set and not clear like normally hidden fields.
Don't Send ePRO – The Don’t Send ePRO option, when enabled for a Subject form, will prevent any ePRO related notifications from being sent to a Subject/Participant, regardless of the Study or User settings. In the event that ePRO notifications are to be excluded for a particular form, this property should enabled/turned on. When disabled/turned off, the user will receive ePRO related notifications.
From Web Study Form builder:
From iOS Study Form Builder:
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